Our CMF fund is proud to have helped another pet!
Lola is a senior kitty who had 2 diseases that are both preventable by early spaying of your pets. She came to Dr. Shardy to check a lump. The diagnosis was mammary cancer. During her exam, Dr. Shardy noticed a discharge coming from Lola’s vaginal area. With an X-Ray, she was diagnosed with a pyometra which is a severe, life threatening infection of the uterus. Without immediate emergency surgery, Lola would have died. Due to Lola’s mom’s financial constraints, Euthanasia was going to be the treatment of choice. Thankfully, due to donations from Let Love Farm, Dr. Shardy was able to provide some financial assistance for Lola’s mom and she received her life saving surgery to remove her uterus and mammary masses. As you can see, Lola is happy and doing well here at her recheck suture removal appointment!
Thank you to all who donate and support this fund! For more info on our CMF and how you can donate check out our website or mail a check to
Let Love Farm
PO Box 122
West Jefferson, OH 43162